
Legal disclaimer for health professional information material

Disclaimer: The material on this website has been produced either by the National Heart Foundation of Australia or those third-party persons and/or entities listed under "Acknowledgements and contributors" (the Authors) for the information of health professionals. The statements and recommendations it contains are, unless labelled as ‘expert opinion’, based on independent review of the available evidence. Interpretation of this document by those without appropriate medical and/or clinical training is not recommended, other than at the request of, or in consultation with, a relevant health professional.

While care has been taken in preparing the content of this material, the Authors and their respective employees and related entities (as applicable) cannot accept any liability, including for any loss or damage, resulting from the reliance on the content, or for its accuracy, currency and completeness. The information is obtained and developed from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, collaborations with third parties and information provided by third parties under licence. It is not an endorsement of any organisation, product or service.

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The entire contents of this material are subject to copyright protection. Enquiries concerning permissions should be directed to copyright@heartfoundation.org.au.